Hybrid Offshore

By Ryan Vice | Posted on December 7, 2022


Only 23% of projects hit expectations. 58% are late, over budget, or unsatisfactory. The rest are cancelled or not used. This is according to the Standish Benchmark of 1000 organizations.

So, companies test different operating models searching for success. It seems like most software development falls in one of these six categories:

But those models still result in 58% of projects being late, over budget, or unsatisfactory. That’s why we do Hybrid Offshore.

We believe the American mindset of tinkering is the garden of innovation while offshore is a machine of productivity at low cost.

We also believe Hybrid Offshore combines the best of innovation and productivity and that the offshore model fails without local management of the offshore team.

So, the Vice Software team relies on US architecture, product design, and management. That is paralleled by strong offshore management with deep relationships in the offshore team.

Because we believe your code should depend on processes and not a few unique people.

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